2 Dozen Roses Arranged
$220.002 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greens and filler may vary due to availability and season.
2 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greens and filler may vary due to availability and season.
Calla lily, rose, bells of ireland, larkspur, lily, gerbera greens and filler.
1 dozen red roses with stargazer lilies, filler and greens.
A low compact mix of hydrangea, roses, tulips and seasonal filler.
Rose, alstromeria, stock, statice, filler and greens.
Stargazer lilies, roses filler and greens.
Gorgeous Rosa Prima Roses. My favorite grower. Choose All Red or Mixed Colors. 1 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greenery and filler may vary due to availability and season.
Lilies, roses, greens and filler.
Hydrangea, lilies, bells of ireland, carnations, seasonal filler, greens.
Rose, stock, lily, bells of ireland, daisy, filler and greens. Substitutions may be necessary.
Rose, alstroemeria, filler and greens. Substitutions may be necessary.
Calla lily, lily, alstromeria and greens. Substitutions may be necessary.
Seasonal Fall colors. Lilies, alstroemeria, stock and daisy. Substitutions may be necessary.
Sunflower, snap dragon, alstromeria, statice, gerbera and greens.
1/2 dozen roses arranged with greens and filler. Greens and filler may vary due to availability and season.
3 mylars and 5 laytex with a balloon weight.
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